Information Systems
World-class business processes require support from world-class information systems. SatiStar’s team of consultants can examine your existing systems, identify gaps against best practices and then provide assistance in implementing any required changes.
Configuration Management
A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, to control changes to those characteristics, to record and report change processing and implementation status, and to verify compliance with specified requirements.
We can help create a world-class configuration management system and database – to minimize wasted effort, maximize validity of information.
Data Migration
A major element of cost for many companies that are implementing new enterprise-wide IT systems such as SAP, is that historical data must be moved from the old system to the new. We can bring our expertise and integration tools to facilitate this move, at substantially lower cost to you.
Data Security
Protecting information systems and demonstrating compliance with accepted standards of good practice is an increasingly important part of good business management. Consequently, organisations need a clear definition of what constitutes good practice in information security.
Database Systems Design and Development
Whether you need help creating a single database application or report or are considering optimizing all the information buried within your organization, SatiStar’s technical expertise and proprietary tools will reduce the cost of database design and development and simplify work for your people.
Distance Education (e-Learning)
Distance Education is characterized by a deliberately integrated multiple-media ‘print + broadcasting’ approach, with learning materials specifically designed for study at a distance. It is often is based on two-way communications media such as the Internet or video-conferencing that enable interaction between the teacher and the remote student as well as among students, either individually or as groups, but at a distance. Students can study in their own time, at the place of their choice (home, work or learning centre), with or without face-to-face contact with a teacher.
SatiStar’s approach to distance education combines technical architecture with the value-added activities and skills needed to implement a distributed education environment. Since a distance education program is so dependent on technology, our approach is focused towards answering the key question, “Under what circumstances and for what instructional purposes is a technology best used?”
Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS)
A major improvement in organizational efficiency can be obtained by deploying an EDMS to manage all of the documents of the organization. We can help you to determine the benefits, and then help implement any of a number of systems. As this is not a desired core capability for most companies, we can implement SatiStar’s own QSi* service, where we outsource management of the EDMS for you.
Electronic ISO Management Systems
A major improvement in organizational efficiency can be obtained by deploying an electronic system to manage all of the documents of the organization.
We can help you to determine the benefits, and implement any of a number of systems. SatiStar can provide guidance on selecting the software package that best suits your needs – from an intranet based document control to externally hosted complete compliance solutions – CAR, PAR, Doc and Data, NCR, Management Review, Internal Audits, and more.
High Reliability Data Centre Operations
If your business requires your data centre to be a high availability operational service you need a highly reliable operations support group to ensure that your availability requirements can be consistently met and sustained.
SatiStar takes a Quality Management Systems approach to IT Service Management to deliver the end-to-end support models focused on data centre management and controls. Front-line manufacturing and service personnel have long been gaining the benefits of using best practice concepts including those from ISO, Six-Sigma, Lean Systems, Continual Improvement and Process Thinking. It is now time for IT Service groups to capitalize on these techniques.
Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) issued by the UK’s Office of Government Commerce (OGC) provides concepts, policies and guidelines for managing IT infrastructure, development and operations. Leveraging the ITIL framework provides organizations with the ability effectively maintain service level agreements, while reducing costs, incidents and problems.
The ISO/IEC20000-1 standard provides the requirements and a structure for the implementation of a world-class benchmark for the management of IT services. Although it uses different language, this standard is very closely aligned with the ITIL framework. Taken together, these two standards represent the best practices available globally for IT service management.
Lean IT Service Management (Lean-ITSM)
As your business processes become increasingly automated and reliant on IT, the reliability and capability of your IT department has become critical to the operation of the business. How effectively and efficiently you run your IT department has become of strategic importance to the overall business. Your organization needs to know what the IT department is capable of supporting, while the IT department needs to be confident that they can consistently and reliably deliver to the expectations of the business.
Traditionally, IT departments regard themselves as the owners of the IT infrastructure, applications and resources that support the organization’s operations. Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) provides an enhanced, customer-centric approach to managing IT processes and supporting structures. ITSM also ensures alignment of the interaction between the IT processes and those of the business. The result is more reliable business support and a much better idea of where changes to the IT department would provide business benefits.
SatiStar’s approach to ITSM focuses on the value-added activities and skills needed to rapidly implement an ITIL-compliant service management model. The result of considerable process reengineering, our standardized and rapid ITSM methodology has been built on Lean and Six-Sigma principles and integrates well with any relevant systems and methods that you may already have in existence. SatiStar offers a standardized methodology that results in a customized solution that is sustainable, culturally sensitive and has been fully demonstrated in the most demanding of environments.
Reporting Systems
These are Executive Information Systems (EIS) that enable you to focus your attention where needed.
These systems include management reports, scorecards and dashboards.
Specifications Documents
To facilitate your selection of a new IT system, we can help by creating a detailed specification document that informs the prospective vendors exactly what is being requested.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Information Technology hardware and software entail costs beyond those that are directly attributable to their acquisition. The Total Cost of Ownership of IT solutions over their entire lifespan is often several times the initial cost of acquisition. In order to make valid business decisions it is important to fully account for all of these costs.
We’ll help you to understand the total cost of these resources over their entire life cycle.
Total Cost of Service (TCS)
Far beyond mere TCO, we’ll help you to understand the total cost in use of the services provided by the IT function. We do this on a Cost of Quality basis – so that you’ll have a profound understanding of the overall cost to the organization of IT systems and services
SatiStar's Experience Makes The Difference!