Lean Simulation Game
Lean Manufacturing was pioneered by Toyota, and is an all-encompassing approach to maximizing overall organizational efficiency. Equally applicable to manufacturing and service businesses, Lean has been successfully implemented in thousands of leading companies worldwide. This 1/2 day highly interactive workshop is targeted at all levels of an organisation and allows everyone to experience the power of Lean first-hand.
This workshop demonstrates the application of Lean concepts in a “game” where participants are workers in a robot factory. Using lego blocks as raw materials, the workers assemble, inspect and ship the completed robots. As the game runs, Lean concepts are introduced and the participants experience first-hand the power of implementing Lean. This workshop is a perfect add-on to the Executive Lean Overview session to cement the key Lean concepts and:
Prove “Lean” works
Understand why “Lean” works
Better understand the benefits of Lean
What You Will Learn
The workshop synopsis is as follows:
Game description
Round 1 – Mass Production
Run the game
Collect data
Round 2 – One-Piece Flow
New Work Layout
Round 3 – Balanced Work
New assembly instructions
Discussions / Review
Training Outcomes
Participants will have a basic understanding of the concepts of Lean Thinking, and be able to provide the appropriate leadership to ensure the success of their Lean transformation effort.
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