Lean Kaizen Projects
A Kaizen Project Workshop is a self-learning activity aimed at dramatic and rapid performance improvement and waste reduction using Lean principles. While isolated Kaizen projects can be useful, they are most successful when they are part of an overall Lean transformation strategy. Kaizen projects have a narrow focus, targeting, for example, set-up, productivity or 1 piece flow projects. Although one-half to one day is devoted to a formal training workshop, Kaizen projects are as much about hands-on learning and employee involvement as they are about raw implementation. Ideal kaizen projects involve employee teams that develop, test and implement their own high return, low cost solutions.
Any type of business will benefit from this focused improvement effort. Those that want dramatic short-term improvement in a critical area or process and those who want a “hands-on” approach to improvement will find this tool to be highly effective. This workshop can be tailored to focus on either operational (shop floor) projects, or on transactional projects that streamline office processes and information flows. Those who would benefit from attending this workshop include:
- Members of the leadership and management team.
- Cross-functional Kaizen teams from across the organization.
- Supervisors and technical support personnel.
- Change agents responsible for implementing Lean.
We work with you to plan and facilitate the kaizen project through 4 stages, conducted on-site with your people:
Overall project planning, including:
- Management and leadership team introduction to KAIZEN thinking, and alignment on overall Kaizen project.
- Overall management and leadership team roles and responsibilities.
- Process, project and team selection.
- Establishing expectations and objectives.
- Establishing Kaizen team roles and responsibilities.
- Organizing and coordinating needed resources.
- Logistics preparation.
- Defining needed baseline information.
- 3 to 5 days of intensive “hands on” learning on the shop floor, including a full day of training – includes coaching on muda, 5S, Visual Factory tools for all projects.
- Project-specific, basic Lean toolkit training (½ to 1 day per project).
- Current state mapping and value added analysis.
- Developing, testing and implementing solutions.
- Creation of 30 day and 60 day action plans.
- Long term functional manager and Kaizen team roles and responsibilities.
- Team presentations to management.
- Team recognition / celebration.
- Closed loop standardization: S/D/C/A cycle.
- Action plan implementation.
- Daily and weekly follow-up.
- Use of closed loop follow-up tools.
- Continuous improvement.
Design for sustainability
- 60 day process and performance self-assessment
- Kaizen team reflection activity
- Lessons learned / future recommendations
- Integration with long-term business objectives
- Management responsibilities for sustainability
What You Will Learn
Kaizen team members will learn how to plan and implement Kaizen projects, and gain experience in applying basic Lean techniques and tools that include:
- Value Stream Analysis
- 5S
- Cellular manufacturing
- Set-up time reduction
- Elimination of waste
- Continuous flow
- Process control
- Synchronization/Pull
- Quality improvement
Participants will learn how to promote cultural change and teamwork within their organizations, and support the organization’s business process performance improvement objectives.
Training Outcomes
Graduates will have successfully completed a Kaizen project at the completion of this course, demonstrating significant performance improvement on the targeted process. The team-driven process will help build the employee support and cultural change needed for a Lean program. Employees will have an increased capability and the desire to use Lean skills and tools. Management will understand what they need to do to implement and sustain a successful long-term Kaizen program.
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