Six Sigma – Black Belt Training
This course is designed to provide participants with a profound and in-depth understanding of the six-sigma approach to driving improvement of business processes throughout the entire organization.
Held in a workshop format, this 20-day course is designed to teach participants how to effectively use the tools of six sigma. Graduates.
Black Belt practitioners are the six sigma technical leaders and change agents for improvement, and play a vital role in the company’s six sigma effort.
A Black Belt will learn how to focus on and use the proven six sigma problem-solving and statistical tools to contribute to the success of the organization.
Green Belt training or the equivalent is considered to be a pre-requisite for this course of study. Black Belt training is a minimum of a four-week session of rigorous and applied training typically conducted over a four to six-month period.
The focus of this workshop is to enable participants to implement six sigma projects and achieve measurable improvements in the output of processes.
Participants will learn through lecture, class discussions, class exercises, case studies, on-site data homework consisting of process data collection and analysis, and team breakouts.
SatiStar’s experts will follow-up this training with on-site consultants to ensure that the use of the tools is applied effectively.
What You Will Learn
- Understanding Six Sigma
- Definitions
- Deming’s philosophy
Six Sigma Process Improvement Tools
- Process Improvement methodologies
- Process Mapping
- Value Analysis
- Cost of Quality
- Cause & Effect Analysis
- Benchmarking techniques & issues
Advanced Six Sigma Tools
- Rational Sampling
- Advanced Statistical Process Control
- Process capability
- Responsibility assignment matrix
- Setting realistic performance tolerances
- Multi-Variate Testing techniques
- Mistake Proofing
Implementing Six Sigma
- Project guidelines & selection
- Project planning
- Team leadership and facilitation skills
- Obstacles & barriers
- Lessons Learned
Training Outcomes
Each student will be required to complete SatiStar’s statistical knowledge assessment prior to registration. Those accepted must bring at least 3 management approved black belt projects to the course.
This course is primarily targeted at technical support personnel in manufacturing, engineering, maintenance, technical, quality, and other support areas.
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