CAL is a Canadian aerospace telecommunications firm employing 175 people, of whom most are engineers. They design, develop, and manufacture satellite telecommunications equipment, and electronic and mechanical equipment designed for space applications, with a focus on design and development activities. SatiStar created and implemented an ISO 9001 system for CAL. This project was particularly challenging because over 90% of CAL’s activities relate to new product design for a global market (previously perceived internally as the biggest impediment to attaining ISO 9001 registration for CAL). SatiStar achievements include:
- Achieved registration within 6 months
- Met all of the governmental regulations for quality assurance for aerospace (Department of Transport)
- Created a system to completely calibrate their huge volume of measuring and test equipment within a few weeks (over 2500 items)
- Achieved ISO9001 successfully on the first audit and recommended for registration immediately
- Trained their personnel on Internal Auditing