Integrated Value Chain
Value Chain Management strives to simplify, standardize and synchronize supply chain processes, and align relationships to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, customer satisfaction and lowest total cost.
Value Chain Management takes Supply Chain Management to a new level and includes integrated strategic alignment and deployment(ISAD), your suppliers’ suppliers, your customers’ customers, business process reengineering (BPR), international standards (ISO9001), and increased customer value.
Scope And Deliverables
Characteristics of World Class Supply Chain Performance:
- Responsiveness to Customers’ Specific Needs – Customers “call the shots”
- Commitment to “perfect-order-performance”
- Product & Service Delivery Performance as Competitive Differentiators
- Best-in-Class Earn Better Margins; Adoption of Best Practices – Redesign
- The Better Suppliers Engender Customer Loyalty; Consumer Power
- Time-based Synchronization and Speed versus Speed alone Response-based Posture versus Forecast-driven/anticipatory Operations
- Clear Policies, Procedures & Practices; and Discipline to Execute
- The Extended Enterprise … Suppliers’ Suppliers & Customers’ Customers
- Share Information internally & w/ S. C. Partners (up & down); Collaborate
- Measurement of Total Supply Chain Performance; Balanced Scorecard
- Exploit Information Technologies & Enterprise Software Solutions; EDI
- Focus Shifting from Material flows to Information flows
- Empowerment, Self-direction, Cross-functional Teams; Learning
- Positioning; Integration; Agility; Measurement
What We Will Do
World-Class Value Chain Performance is Achieved in 5 Stages…
Stage 1: Facilitate an Integrated Strategic Alignment and Deployment (ISAD) Session
- Organization Vision, Mission and Key Objectives & Tactics
- Key Business Strategies
- Sales and Marketing Strategies
- Operational Strategies
- Supply Chain / Channel / Distribution Strategies
- Supply Chain Technology Strategies
Stage 2: Redesign of Business Processes, Policies and Procedures to Best-in-Class; Simplify and Standardize
- Reengineering / BPR
- Efficiency, effectiveness, speed
- The “Internal” Integration of Business Processes and
- Information Flows
- When is best to re-engineer, before or after IT upgrade?
- Upgrading of Information Technology and Logistics systems
- The Institution of Supply Chain Key Performance Measures
Stage 3: Provide Guidance and Coaching for Compliance to Internationally Recognized Standards
- ISO9001 for general business
- AS9101 for aerospace
- ISO/TS16949 for automotive.
Stage 4: Facilitate the Development and Integration of External (Customers & Suppliers) Supply Chain
- Relationships, alliances, and partnerships
- Agreements on sharing of information, assets and R&D
Stage 5: Provide Guidance on the Creation and Capture of New Market and Customer Value
- New product development
- New service development
- New market development
- New business development
- New ventures
- Re-inventing the organization
What We Need You To Do
- Commit to the Value Chain Management project.
- Assign required resources to the project.
- Ensure availability of required resources.
- Provide a suitable working area for the team’s activities.
- Authorize internal personnel to provide SatiStar’s team with needed information.
- Ensure timely review and approval of the SatiStar’s recommendations.
- Provide sufficient resources (including IT) to implement the team’s approved recommendations.
- Ensure timely delivery of desired results.
SatiStar's Experience Makes The Difference!