Sometimes all you need to do is to implement a performance breakthrough in one of your functional departments, rather than across all of the business operations. This is often an excellent first step.
Scope And Deliverables
Companies that are successful at Business Performance Improvement know how to rapidly and effectively improve everything they do – both incrementally and radically. SatiStar’s standard reengineering approach is also applicable to improving a single functional department.
SatiStar’s Technical Re-engineering Approach
SatiStar’s business process re-engineering approach begins with identifying your key business processes by determining those that are value-added in the eyes of your customers, and strategic to your business.
In conjunction with your re-design team, we use our expertise to rapidly create process flow diagrams which reflect the “as-is” process (how you currently run the process). We then identify and eliminate non value-added steps as part of the transitional plan. This gives you immediate gains, while the team works on the vision of the radically different new process.
Our guidance in benchmarking other companies helps in the creation of the visionary process. At this stage is when you’ll know the extent of the possible gains – cycle time reduction, error reduction, increase in throughput, improvement in quality performance, and the gains that are the most important – financial.
We also ensure that the performance and quality drivers are clearly identified, as well as implementing key process performance measures. We’ll work with your Information Systems personnel if needed to apply technology to these new controls.
At the end we’ll ensure that the new processes are fully documented and enduring.
The Social Aspect of Transformation
Re-engineering is the most exciting way to take your business processes apart, and then rapidly put them back together again in a radically different way!
But, as you re-design business processes, employees at all levels have good reason to be concerned about their jobs. The newly designed processes require new organizational structures, eliminate non value-added activities and jobs, and change how work gets done.
SatiStar’s fool-proof methodology ensures results by first creating a detailed roadmap for the project, thereby avoiding the lost productivity that most re-engineering teams face. The most important facet of our approach is the focus that we bring to the project.
We start with top management buy-in and ensure that the vision of the radically new business process is acceptable to all prior to moving to the implementation stage.
We work with your Human Resources personnel to ensure that people feel empowered in the new processes, that organizational structures, boundaries, job descriptions, incentive programs, and most importantly – career paths are all consistent with your new processes.
The final social steps include an evaluation of your existing personnel to ensure a fit with the new processes, and then the training that is critical to successfully navigating the transition.
The technical re-design of the business processes combined with the re-design of the social elements of the new processes result in unparalleled buy-in by employees at all levels.
What We Will Do
- Assist your leadership team in the selection of value-adding, strategic business processes within a specific functional area that are suitable for reengineering.
- Help in the selection of appropriate BPR team members.
- Facilitate your team through SatiStar’s 5 Step Business Process Reengineering methodology.
- Ensure organizational buy-in on the reengineered processes, by involving your employees at all levels.
- Guide the BPR team in preparing their recommended solutions to the leadership team.
- Provide guidance as needed in implementing the newly redesigned processes.
- Create relevant key performance indicators to enable you to measure and track the gains.
- Provide, if needed, a management control system to ensure that the project delivers the desired results in a timely manner.
What We Need You To Do
- Commit to the reengineering project.
- Assign required resources to the project.
- Ensure availability of required resources.
- Provide a suitable working area for the team’s activities.
- Authorize internal personnel to provide the BPR team with needed information.
- Ensure timely review and approval of the BPR team’s recommendations.
- Provide sufficient resources (including IT) to implement the team’s approved recommendations.
- Ensure timely delivery of desired results.
SatiStar's Experience Makes The Difference!