Toxic Substance Reduction Planning


Ontario’s Ministry of Environment has enacted the Toxics Reduction Act and supporting Regulation 455/09. This legislation applies to manufacturing and mineral processing companies (NAICS codes that begin with 31, 32, 33, or 212) that operate in Ontario and are required to report to Canada’s NPRI system or under O.Reg 127/01 for Acetone.

Unlike pollution prevention legislation that aims to reduce releases into the environment to within acceptable limits, Ontario’s Toxics Reduction Act is focused on reducing the use and crea

Scope And Deliverables

The first Toxic Substance Reduction Reports were due on June 1, 2012 and Plans and Summaries must be completed by December 31, 2012 for all materials that are on the Phase 1 Priority Substances list (Table A of O.Reg. 455/09).

All of the other NPRI substances and Acetone reporting begins on June 1, 2013, and the corresponding plans are due by December 31, 2013.

The TRA legislation requires the creation of a Toxic Substance Reduction Plan that must be certified by both the highest ranking management employee and a Toxic Substance Reduction Planner who is licensed by the Province of Ontario (these cannot be the same person).

While implementation of a company’s TSRP is voluntary, the legislation also requires annual reporting and public disclosure of progress in implementing the plan.

What We Will Do

As Licensed Toxic Substance Reduction Planners, we can do the following for you:

  1. Create and certify a Toxics Reduction Plan for your facility.
  2. Certify your internally created plan.
    • Make recommendations to improve your toxic substance reduction plan
    • Verify that your plan meets the legislated requirements
    • Certify your toxic substance reduction plan
    • Identify additional viable toxic substance reduction opportunities
    • Improve the business rationale for plan implementation
  3. Provide guidance to ensure your internal Toxics Reduction Planning team meets the requirements of the legislation.
  4. Provide training to your senior leadership team and to your teams that are charged with creating and implementing Toxics Reduction Plans.

What We Need You To Do

  • Commit to the 5S program.
  • Assign required resources to the project.
  • Ensure availability of required resources.
  • Provide a suitable working area for the team’s activities.
  • Authorize internal personnel to provide the 5S team with needed information and assistance.
  • Ensure timely review and approval of the 5S team’s recommendations.
  • Ensure timely delivery of desired results.


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SatiStar's Experience Makes The Difference!

  • . . . worked extremely well with the departmental and site managers . . . goal oriented and met the objectives set within the quoted budget and ensured the results were attained for the Company.

  • The guys from SatiStar did more in one week than we were able to do in 6 months.

  • Achieving ISO registration was far less onerous than we thought, our employees really rallied to the cause. The registration effort really brought us closer together as a team, and SatiStar really came through for us when we needed them.

  • We started this process a year ago with Mickey helping us create a spaghetti map of our processes on the whiteboard, and then his team guided us through their streamlining methodology and got us to where we are today. Our processes now look nothing like the spaghetti map – and we’re much more efficient today

  • This projected cycle time reduction of over 80% annual cost savings amounting to over 3% of sales, one-time savings of roughly $10 million, and working capital reduction of roughly $30 million really have us excited!

  • An outstanding success with Motorola’s vendor audit! What made this an exceptional achievement is that it typically takes 4 to 5 attempts to pass this audit. SatiStar’s expertise made it easy to avoid all the extra attempts.