Project Management
SatiStar’s project management consultants will facilitate the creation of new Project Management processes tailored to your needs, teach your people the fundamentals of project management and support the implementation of these new skills and business processes for project teams on current projects.
We’ll also guide you in the implementation of project management processes that are based on Theory of Constraints.
Scope And Deliverables
Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific (and usually) one-time effort. Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes:
- Defining project goals and objectives
- Specifying tasks or how goals will be achieved
- What resources are needed
- Associated budgets
- Timelines for completion
Project management also includes implementing the project plan, along with careful controls to stay on the “critical path”, that is, to ensure the plan is being managed according to plan.
Project management usually follows major phases (with various titles for these phases), including:
- Feasibility study
- Project planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Support and maintenance
What We Will Do
We begin by mapping out your current business processes, and then align upon a new project management process customized to your needs. Read more about process mapping…
We then coach your people on the principles and practices of effective project management. SatiStar’s consultants will explain fundamental project management concepts, including the control of schedules, cost, quality, how to line up resources, establish deadlines, and ensure that your project management personnel understand and can use critical path thinking. This is sometimes made easier if your project management personnel attend our Project Management training seminar.Read more about the PM Workshop…
SatiStar’s consultants will then facilitate your project managers as they apply their new PM skills to current projects. SatiStar will provide on-site implementation planning, reviews, and reflections.
- Assist your company in the selection of:
- Real-life projects to use as examples
- Project managers
- Team members and workshop participants
- Facilitate an on-site progress review session several weeks after our work, to ensure that the new processes have been implemented effectively.
- Provide telephone-based implementation support as needed.
- Facilitate reflection and planning sessions that includes:
- A comprehensive group review and reflection exercise to capture, learn from, and document lessons learned.
- The creation of an action plan designed to help you achieve sustained project performance improvement. The plan will address the reflection lessons learned.
What We Need You To Do
- Provide us with access to relevant project management personnel.
- Ensure availability of relevant personnel.
- Provide access to relevant business processes.
- Provide required information needed to create your specific project management processes.
- Provide current state PM process information and documentation needed as inputs for the process redesign session.
- Ensure timely review and approval of the redesigned PM processes.
- Ensure timely implementation of the new project management processes.
- Provide software as required.
- Provide suitable facilities and equipment as required.
SatiStar's Experience Makes The Difference!