Internal Audit
A key requirement of any Management System is periodic monitoring of the functioning of the management system. SatiStar’s certified lead auditors are capable of performing this activity on your behalf, at substantially lower cost than doing it internally.
Scope And Deliverables
Audits traditionally seek to determine whether the organization’s management system conforms to the requirements of a relevant standard. Such audits rarely drive business performance improvement.
SatiStar’s process oriented methodology for conducting audits assess whether the organization’s management system design and/or operation meet the organization’s business performance and improvement objectives.
Although it is important to assess compliance to the standard and your policies and procedures, SatiStar believes that an effective internal auditor also drives performance improvement of the management systems through an evaluation of key performance indicators and objectives.
What We Will Do
SatiStar customizes each internal audit to suit your business needs. Standard deliverables include:
- Review current QMS documentation
- Plan and conduct a process-based internal audit that meets the requirements of the ISO9001 standard, any existing internal audit procedural requirements, and our understanding of any other expectations for internal audits
- Conduct a “desk audit” of your policy and procedure manuals off-site
- Review, verify and validate corrective actions taken for previous internal and external audits, as well as for any customer complaints
- Provide training, guidance and coaching as needed to all relevant area personnel to ensure that they are prepared for the upcoming external audit
- Evaluate system performance versus stated business strategy, processes and quality improvement goals and objectives.
- After the internal audit is complete the Lead Auditor will create an audit binder containing:
- An audit plan
- An audit schedule
- Minutes of opening and closing meetings
- Evidence of records and people audited (auditors’ notes)
- System audit checklists
- Process audit records
- Corrective action requests
- Corrective action logs
- Auditor qualifications
- A formal audit report summarizing system performance and conformance gaps.
What We Need You To Do
- Provide your quality and procedure manuals prior to SatiStar’s arrival on-site.
- Provide SatiStar’s lead auditor with information about your company’s business strategy (in order for us to be able to assess if the current management system is fully supportive of your strategy).
- Provide a suitable working space for the audit team.
- Provide a suitable venue and A/V equipment for any required training sessions.
- Ensure availability of key personnel during the internal audit and any training sessions.
- Follow your documented procedures and maintain records.
- Address corrective actions resulting from internal audits as required.
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