8D Problem Solving


A complaining customer provides you with a golden opportunity to demonstrate your organization’s commitment to excellence. Failures happen, but if you can recover from that failure in a world-class manner . . . then you have an opportunity to create a “wow” for your customer.

The 8 Disciplines of Problem Solving is a structured approach to investigating the causes of problems and then resolving them irreversibly, while mitigating the impact of the problem.

A world-class approach to eliminating the causes of customer compaints, SatiStar’s methodology is consistent with the Global 8D approach developed by Ford Motor Company.

Scope And Deliverables

SatiStar’s standardized methodology for 8D Problem Solving is completely focused on protecting the interests of your customers.

We begin by forming a team of process owners (employees) who start off by containing the problem to within your organization.

They are then charged with developing a profound understanding of the process that is generating the problem, and to investigate the potential causes of the problem. This list of potential causes is then narrowed down to the few most probable causes, for which corrective actions are determined.

As the corrective actions get implemented, we work with your team to ensure that the effects of the corrective actions are verified and validated – do they fix the original problem?

The team then moves on to develop process and systemic fixes to prevent the same or similar problems from happening again in the future, both in the process that they’ve been working on and in other, similar processes across the entire organization.

Finally, we work with the management team to ensure that appropriate reward and recognition is provided to the team members for accomplishing the improvement.

Throughout the entire process, we endeavour to transfer enough knowledge of the 8D methodology to your employees to ensure that future issues can also be addressed using this approach.

What We Will Do

  • Guide the management team in selecting projects that are suitable for implementing the 8D methodology.
  • Assist in selecting a relevant team of employees to work on the 8D project.
  • Provide training in the SatiStar 8D methodology to the team.
  • Facilitate the team through the 8D methodology.
  • Assist the team in preparing and making a presentation to the organization’s management team on their project and recommendations.
  • Coach the management team in how to provide appropriate reward and recognition to the team members.
  • Assist in communicating the results of the improvement to the customer.
  • Provide guidance to the management team on how to standardize the use of 8D across the entire organization.
  • Coach the management team on how to deploy 8D, including the potential creation of a database for automating 8D record-keeping.

What We Need You To Do

  • Provide us with a suitable team of relevant process owners.
  • Ensure availability of the team for working on the project in a timely manner.
  • Ensure management availability to review and approve the team’s recommendations in a timely manner.
  • Provide appropriate working space for the team’s activities.


Consulting Overview

Our Services

Performance Breakthrough

Management System Standards

Operational Effectiveness

Leadership and Cultural Transformation

Information Systems

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SatiStar's Experience Makes The Difference!

  • . . . worked extremely well with the departmental and site managers . . . goal oriented and met the objectives set within the quoted budget and ensured the results were attained for the Company.

  • The guys from SatiStar did more in one week than we were able to do in 6 months.

  • Achieving ISO registration was far less onerous than we thought, our employees really rallied to the cause. The registration effort really brought us closer together as a team, and SatiStar really came through for us when we needed them.

  • We started this process a year ago with Mickey helping us create a spaghetti map of our processes on the whiteboard, and then his team guided us through their streamlining methodology and got us to where we are today. Our processes now look nothing like the spaghetti map – and we’re much more efficient today

  • This projected cycle time reduction of over 80% annual cost savings amounting to over 3% of sales, one-time savings of roughly $10 million, and working capital reduction of roughly $30 million really have us excited!

  • An outstanding success with Motorola’s vendor audit! What made this an exceptional achievement is that it typically takes 4 to 5 attempts to pass this audit. SatiStar’s expertise made it easy to avoid all the extra attempts.