Clarity of purpose is critical to all organizations. Our structured methodology will enable your team to establish a clearly articulated, shared vision for the future that can then be communicated throughout the organization.
Scope And Deliverables
The creation of a vision can apply for the entire enterprise, a single division, a single operating site, or a single department.
SatiStar has a structured approach to creating senior leadership alignment and actions consistent with achieving desired business objectives.
SatiStar’s ISAD methodology is designed for companies that want to improve their business efficiency and effectiveness through the strategic alignment of people, processes and technologies.
The creation of a well articulated vision for the future of any organization is critical to its success. SatiStar’s ISAD methodology begins with the examination or creation of your vision.
It starts from your high level company or business intent, builds the pathways for deployment and implementation, layer by layer throughout the entire organization. It creates the needed organizational linkages and addresses potential obstacles and roadblocks.
ISAD also includes higher-level organizational alignment and addresses resourcing needs.
What We Will Do
In order to help you to create a vision for your organization, SatiStar’s consultants will facilitate your leadership team through the first stage of SatiStar’s ISAD methodology:
1. Set Direction:
- Values – “what do we stand for?”
- Guiding Principles – “how will we behave?”
- Vision – “where are we going?”
- Mission – “what is our role in achieving the Vision?”
- Key Themes – “what are our key strategic objectives, 3-5 years?”
We’ll help you to clearly articulate your vision, and then guide you through communicating it effectively throughout your organization – so that you can ensure complete understanding and alignment.
Once the visioning stage has been completed, we can also assist you to translate the vision into action and guide you in its deployment, using the remaining two phases of our ISAD methodology.
What We Need You To Do
- Ensure that all of your leadership team is available for the Visioning activity.
- Arrange a suitable venue for the event (usually off-site, 1 days).
- Communicate the newly articulated vision throughout the organization in a timely manner.
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