Quality of Work Life
Despite the claims by many that they separate their work from their personal lives, people are happiest when they work for companies that share their value system.
We’ll help design programs that respect the values of your most prized resource – your employees.
Scope And Deliverables
A value system refers to how an individual or a group of individuals organize their ethical or ideological values. A well-defined value system is a moral code.
Perceived Organizational Support (POS), is defined as the extent to which employees perceive that the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being. POS is a key factor in influencing employee commitment to the organization, job satisfaction, and general quality of work life.
The factors that influence POS include:
- Affective Organizational Commitment
- Work-Family Culture
- Sources of Stress:
- Fairness
- Work Conditions
- Role Stress
- Relations with Others
- Parking and Commuting
- Personal and Family
- Sources of Satisfaction:
- Fairness
- Work Conditions
- Salary and Benefits
- Autonomy and Growth
- Access to Non-work Activities
- Overall Job and Life Satisfaction
- Decent living standard and economic security
- Mutual trust among employers and workers
- Participation in decision making
- Culture of openness regarding information
- Healthy and safe work environment
- Work-life balance
- Encourages initiative and creativity
- Opportunities to use and develop skills
What We Will Do
- Facilitate leadership team meetings to clearly articulate a vision of the future state that includes the desired outcomes for the change.
- Understand your organization’s current culture, processes and practices. This will clarify your organization’s dissatisfaction with the current state.
- Assess the alignment between your organizational values and those of your people.
- Define a change strategy (or combination of strategies) that is/are consistent with your organizational system.
- Propose a methodology for achieving the change, that shows immediate and highly tactical actions.
- Provide a clear roadmap and timeline for implementing the methodology.
- Facilitate the implementation of the agreed-upon change strategy.
- Develop an agreed-upon approach for measuring and monitoring progress.
- Create an appropriate progress communication vehicle.
What We Need You To Do
- Commit to the change.
- Ensure the active participation of the leadership team in the change program.
- Provide us with access to the required internal personnel.
- Authorize those personnel to provide us with the required information in a timely fashion.
- Assign resources as needed.
SatiStar's Experience Makes The Difference!